The Wesleys Take the Web

A mobile-friendly history of the UMC
In this series of short videos, modern animated versions of the brothers who founded Methodism help us understand some of the history and theology of what is now The United Methodist Church. The characters were created by United Methodist pastor Charlie Baber, who draws the Wesley Bros. comics.
We hope you will watch and share these clips, and we hope they generate lots of conversations, whether with your confirmation class, new member class, Sunday school group or in other settings. We’ve even provided some discussion questions after the videos to get you started.
These videos were produced as a 21st century follow up to the popular clip known as “Clayride: A Gallop Through United Methodist History.” Find out more about the making of “Clayride” from the artists who created that 1984 classic.
The Wesleys Take the Web is available for download with French, German, Russian, Portuguese and Spanish subtitles and in closed captions on Youtube.