Find how to connect with The United Methodist Church's local congregations, regional and denominational entities, and denominational leaders.
Regional Entities
- Churches: is the online directory of churches in the United States. A listing of online worship opportunities is also available.
- Annual Conferences: A regional office of programs and ministries.
- Central Conferences: Geographical regions in Africa, Europe and the Philippines.
- Jurisdictions: Five geographic areas in the United States, each composed of several annual (regional) conferences.
- Bishops/Episcopal Areas: A regional office, supervised by a bishop.
Denominational Organizations
- General Boards and Agencies: Our councils, boards, commissions that carry out denominational work.
- The Council of Bishops' Ecumenical and Interreligious Ministries: Appointed to assist the bishops in their leadership of formal ecumenical and interreligious engagements and relationship-building.
- Camp and Retreat Centers: United Methodist camp and retreat centers in the United States.
- National Mission Institutions: These institutions empower women, care for children, educate and build youth, look after the neglected, advocate for social justice, create economic opportunities and change neighborhoods.
- Foundations: Organizations that support specific conference- or agency-related ministries.
- Schools and Seminaries: United Methodist-related seminaries, colleges, universities and precollegiate schools worldwide.’s School Showcase offers more information about schools where there is an official United Methodist presence or a program to train people for ordained ministry in The United Methodist Church.
- Bishops: Primary contact information for bishops of The United Methodist Church.
- Connectional Table: Primary contact for the Connectional Table.
- District Superintendents: Primary contact information for district superintendents in the United States.
Concordat Covenental Churches
- The Methodist Church of Great Britain
- Methodist Church in the Caribbean and the Americas
- The Methodist Church of Mexico
- The Methodist Church of Puerto Rico
Affiliated Autonomous Churches
- Evangelical Methodist Church of Argentina
- Evangelical Methodist Church in Bolivia
- Evangelical Methodist Church of Costa Rica
- Evangelical Methodist Church of Panama
- Evangelical Methodist Church in the Philippines
- Korean Methodist Church
- Methodist Church in Brazil
- Methodist Church of Chile
- Methodist Church in Cuba
- Methodist Church of Hong Kong
- Methodist Church in India
- Methodist Church of Indonesia
- Methodist Church of Malaysia
- Methodist Church of Peru
- Methodist Church in the Republic of China
- Methodist Church in Singapore
- Methodist Church of the Union of Myanmar
- Methodist Church of Uruguay
Affiliated United Churches
- Church of Pakistan
- Dominican Evangelical Church
- Eglise Protestante Unie de Belgique
- Evangelical United Church of Ecuador
- United Church of Christ in the Philippines
- The Hong Kong Council of the Church of Christ in China
- The United Church of Canada
- The United Church in Japan (Kyodan)
Full Communion Relationships
- The African Methodist Episcopal Church
- The African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church
- The African Union Methodist Protestant Church
- The Christian Methodist Episcopal Church
- The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
- The Uniting Church of Sweden
- The Union American Methodist Episcopal Church
- The Moravian Church, Northern and Southern Provinces in the US
- The Episcopal Church (pending final approval in 2027)
Learn more about the various different types of ecmenical relationships.
Ecumenical Organizations
- American Bible Society
- Churches Uniting in Christ (CUIC)
- Christians Churches Together
- Church World Service
- The Pan-Methodist Commission
- National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA
- World Council of Churches
- World Methodist Council
- Global Christian Forum
- Oxford Institute
- National Workshop on Christian Unity
- Parliament of the World's Religions
- Religions for Peace
- The Shoulder to Shoulder Campaign
To learn more and find ecumenical resources visit the Council of Bishop's website.