What makes you proud to #BeUMC?
#BeUMC honors the core values that connect the people of The United Methodist Church (The UMC). We are reclaiming our mission to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
The UMC is founded on a Wesleyan theology of grace, anchored in Scripture, and based in the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and the continuing movement of the Holy Spirit.
The #BeUMC campaign is built upon powerful stories of United Methodists living their faith. We celebrate what draws us to The UMC, the revival we find there, and what we aspire to be.
Share your story! The full story of The UMC reflects each one of us. Consider our common roots, how you and your congregation have been renewed, and your answer to the question, “Why am I United Methodist?” Then, post on your preferred social media platform using the hashtag #BeUMC.
Explore recent #BeUMC social media posts
United Methodists are sharing their personal experiences, values, hopes and heritage – illustrations of why they continue to #BeUMC. Join the movement by posting your story! Together, we are telling the world how God uses the people of The UMC.
Reclaim our shared core values
“There are different spiritual gifts but the same Spirit; and there are different ministries and the same Lord; and there are different activities but the same God who produces all of them in everyone.” – 1 Corinthians 12:4-6, CEB
Learn more about what unites us as United Methodists and what we are working towards, together. These elements will help you consider the unique ways you live out your faith and why you choose to #BeUMC.
Find ideas here as you think about the story you’d like to share, but always tell your story, your way!
Revive your spirit & be inspired
Be encouraged by stories from other United Methodists who are sharing what it means to them to #BeUMC.
Perhaps their thoughts, emotions and reflections can help you think of what you’d like to share about your United Methodist experience.

United Methodists affirm the faith shared by all Christians, with particular emphasis on God's grace and on Christian living. These introductory pages will help you discover what it means to be a United Methodist.

Our free, downloadable discussion guide is a great way for your Sunday School class, Bible study or small group to reflect on what it means to #BeUMC.

Show your dedication to #BeUMC. Order shirts, magnets and stickers for giveaways, gifts or personal use.

Renew your congregation’s commitment
The #BeUMC Leader Toolkit offers resources for pastors and other church leaders. Find ways to get your congregation involved through tips and tools, worship and preaching resources, a discussion guide, downloads for your bulletin and website, and more.
Churches show their #BeUMC pride!
