Changing the World

	The elements of Holy Communion are laid out against the Mexico side of the border fence between Tijuana and San Diego during a cross-border service at El Faro park in Tijuana, Mexico. Photo by Mike DuBose, UMNS

Disrupting the cycles of brokenness

We believe our call isn't simply to go to church. We believe our call is to be church. By being the church, we can provide community and support for the hurting, hopeless and marginalized.

What are you passionate about? Caring for refugees? Fighting systems of poverty? Establishing better relationships between one group and another? Explore below for ideas in becoming a part of movements that seek to overcome the systems that leave us feeling like we live in a broken world.

Richenda Fairhurst on climate change

Rev. Richenda Fairhurst shares about the relationship between our faith, spirituality and concern for our environment.

Matt Clarady transforms old guns into works or art.

Join us as we follow Matt Clarady, a passionate blacksmith, who turns donated gun parts into beautiful and meaningful art.

United Methodist Communications is an agency of The United Methodist Church

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