Get Your Spirit in Shape

Get Your Spirit in Shape features conversations to help us keep our souls as healthy as our bodies. Logo by Sara Schork, United Methodist Communications.

Get Your Spirit in Shape is a podcast from United Methodist Communications that features casual conversations with United Methodist bishops, leaders, authors, pastors and others who offer spiritual nutrition and exercises to help us get and keep our spirits in shape.

‘Tis the season for all things merry and bright. Except when you’re feeling sad, lonely and perhaps grieving. The Rev. Cindy Serio shares a Blue Christmas guided meditation to offer encouragement, even on the longest night, on "Get Your Spirit in Shape."


‘Tis the season for all things merry and bright. Except when you’re feeling sad, lonely and perhaps grieving. The Rev. Cindy Serio shares a Blue Christmas guided meditation to offer encouragement, even on the longest night.

Rev. Rebekah Simon-Peter urges all of us to embrace our inner divinity to live a more purposeful life, one in which we move beyond simply believing in Jesus to believing like Jesus on an episode of "Get Your Spirit in Shape."


Rev. Rebekah Simon-Peter urges us to embrace our inner divinity to live a more purposeful life, one in which we move beyond simply believing in Jesus to believing like Jesus on an episode of "Get Your Spirit in Shape."


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