Glossary: Special Sundays

Those Sundays authorized by the General Conference to be set aside for a denominationwide emphasis. The General Conference has approved special Sundays to be observed both with an offering and without an offering.

Those special Sundays approved which include an offering are:

  1. Human Relations Day
  2. UMCOR Sunday (formerly One Great Hour of Sharing)
  3. World Communion Sunday
  4. United Methodist Student Day
  5. Peace with Justice Sunday
  6. Native American Ministries Sunday

Those without an offering are:

  1. Heritage Sunday
  2. Laity Sunday
  3. Organ and Tissue Donor Sunday

In addition, the General Conference has authorized special Sundays with offerings that may be observed at the discretion and timing of the annual conference:

  1. Christian Education Sunday
  2. Golden Cross Sunday
  3. Rural Life Sunday, and
  4. Disability Awareness Sunday

Source: A Dictionary for United Methodists, Alan K. Waltz, Copyright 1991, Abingdon Press. Used by permission.

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