What are the Special Sundays?

2025 Special Sundays Planning Calendar image
2025 Special Sundays Planning Calendar image

Ever wonder what a special Sunday is, why these days exist, and when each occurs? Well, read on to find answers to these pressing questions.

The United Methodist Church sets aside a number of Special Sundays every year to recognize specific ministries we support as a denomination. We celebrate and identify these as Special Sundays. We encourage you to take the time to educate and prepare your congregation to charitably give and learn to participate more fully in the United Methodist connection.

There are six Church‐wide special Sundays celebrated on specific dates each year:

Human Relations Day


It is always celebrated the Sunday before the observance of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday. Human Relations Day supports community developers, United Methodist voluntary service, and youth offender rehabilitation programs. The goal of this Sunday is to strengthen United Methodist outreach in the United States and Puerto Rico, encouraging social justice. Download resources to help celebrate this Sunday.

UMCOR Sunday


It is always celebrated on the fourth Sunday in Lent. UMCOR Sunday donations cover United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR's) operation costs so that 100% of donations received in response to emergency appeals go directly to communities in need. Download resources to help celebrate this Sunday

Native American Ministries Sunday


It is always celebrated on the third Sunday of Easter. We celebrate to recognize and support Native Americans and their contribution to society and The United Methodist Church. Donations support scholarships, leadership development and other vital ministries. Download resources to help celebrate this Sunday

United Methodist Student Day


As of General Conference 2024, United Methodist Student Day is celebrated in the month of May instead of the fourth Sunday in November. We celebrate and recognize United Methodist students as they pursue their dreams through higher education. Every donated on United Methodist Student Day funds over 70 scholarships. Download resources to help celebrate this Sunday

Peace with Justice Sunday


It is always celebrated on the first Sunday after Pentecost. Donations support programs and ministries to educate, equip and mobilize networks to engage in social advocacy and action. Download resources to help celebrate this Sunday 

World Communion Sunday


It is always celebrated on the first Sunday in October. Donations support racial and ethnic students with scholarships, grants, mentoring and training for leadership development. Download resources to help celebrate this Sunday 


There are six Annual Conference AWARENESS Sundays celebrated on specific dates each year:

Scouting Sunday


It is always celebrated on the first Sunday in February. 



Heritage Sunday


It is observed on Aldersgate Day, May 24, or the Sunday preceding. Heritage Sunday is set aside specifically for remembering our legacy as United Methodists? We recognize where the church has been, understand how it shapes us and learn from our history to move forward with a spirit of personal and social holiness. 

Laity Sunday


It is observed on the 3rd Sunday in October. Laity Sunday celebrates the ministry and witness of laypersons within the church? We focus on how all lay Christians are empowered by the Holy Spirit for ministry and equipped to make disciples of Jesus Christ in a world desperately in need of healing and wholeness. 

Organ and Tissue Donor Sunday


As a sign of life and thanksgiving, it is observed on the 2nd Sunday in November. Organ & Tissue Donor Sunday recognizes the gift of life through organ and tissue donation. This Sunday highlights organ donation as an act of love and ministry to others in need. 

Men's Ministry Sunday


It is observed on a day designated by the congregation. Men's Ministry Sunday recognizes men’s ministry within the church? We lift up organized United Methodist Men units as well as other places and organizations where men gather for fellowship, nurture, spiritual development, witness, and outreach.  

Women's Ministry Sunday


It is observed on a day designated by the congregation. Women's Ministry Sunday recognizes women’s ministry within the church? We celebrate organized United Methodist Women units and raise awareness about women’s ministries, history and contributions within and beyond the local church.   

There are five Annual Conference Sundays with OFFERINGS celebrated on specific dates each year:

Christian Education Sunday . . .


celebrates the local Christian educational ministries through the Annual Conference. The offering funds educational and small-group ministries, teaching individuals of all ages about their Christian faith and motivating service in the church, the community and the world. Each Annual Conference selects the date for celebration. 

Disability Awareness Sunday . . .


invites the church and society to be fully accessible to all people and integrate the gifts and graces of people with disabilities into congregational ministries? This offering assists local churches in improving architectural accessibility and in developing intentional ministries of inclusion. Each Annual Conference selects the date for celebration. 

Golden Cross Sunday . . .


offers care for those served by United Methodist-related homes and agencies for health and wellness within the conference? The offering enhances ministries with older adults, children and families, as well as hospital pastoral care. Each Annual Conference selects the date for celebration. 

Rural Life Sunday . . .


celebrates and affirms the rural heritage of The United Methodist Church? This offering helps each conference nurture, witness and attend to the ongoing crises in rural areas and urban areas within the conference. Each Annual Conference selects the date for celebration.

United Methodist Volunteers in Mission . . .


celebrate those who serve in short-term missions throughout the world. This offering supports and strengthens awareness those who offer their skills for short-term mission locally, nationally, and globally. Each Annual Conference selects the date for celebration. 

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